Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coffee on the Pavement

The bankers, financial wizards and other "masters of the universe" have brought great suffering and losses to the world with their insatiable greed and monumental stupidity. In money terms the losses will run into trillions of dollars. In human terms, millions of working people globally will lose their jobs and pensioners will lose their retirement savings.

In these troubling and uncertain times, I seek solace, comfort and companionship at my local pavement cafe. I don't aspire to own a Ferrari or a yacht. I don't want to be a "master of the universe." I seek simplicity and peace of mind. Coffee on the pavement is my everyday luxury and I consider myself very fortunate to be able to it enjoy it. As my friend and fellow pavement philosopher, Quinten Knox puts it, the time spent on the pavement offers periods of reflection, contemplation, observation and opportunities for intellectual pursuit. This is also where we laugh, joke, relate, read, write, learn, inspire, comfort, support, teach, listen, tease, flirt, speculate, plot and shoot the breeze with friends.

Anais Nin said:

"My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living."

When I'm on the pavement, I am in the midst of living.

Costas Ayiotis


Quinten Knox said...

Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood.(Nietzsche)

Costas Ayiotis said...

We write and read books so that we're not alone. Blessed are those that create for they make our load bearable.